Dallas-Ft. Worth Labrador Retriever Club...

DFWLRC -The Dallas- Fort Worth Labrador Retriever Club.

AKC Juniors Organization, where young Labrador enthusiasts begin their exciting journey into the world of canine sportsmanship.
Whether you’ve been around them your whole life, or just discovered your passion for dogs, the AKC Juniors Organization invites children ages 9-18 to join a community where friendship, companionship, and skill allow any child to shine! AKC Juniors Program>>>

Junior Recognition Program with AKC: Juniors will be recognized by sport, by breed and across events.   The new recognition program will include points for Participation, Qualifying Legs, Scores, Passes, Class Placements, High in Trial, High in Combined Score, participation in Junior Showmanship, Best in Field, Reserve Best Junior, Best Junior and Title on a Dog. Learn More>>>

Junior Showmanship (Ages 9-18) Junior Showmanship is a competitive event designed specifically for young people, typically between the ages of 9 and 18, to showcase their dog handling abilities. Unlike other dog shows that focus on the attributes and conformations of the dogs, Junior Showmanship emphasizes the handler's skills in presenting the dog to its best advantage. This sport is not just about winning ribbons; it’s about developing a deep bond with the dog, learning responsibility, and fostering a sense of sportsmanship. Learn More>>>

Pee Wee Special Attracion (Ages 5-8) While children younger than five cannot participate in the Pee Wee Class Special Attraction, clubs can still create inclusive and enjoyable opportunities for children of all ages. By offering a variety of special attractions, clubs can engage children and foster a sense of community and excitement. One such attraction is the toy dog show, which allows children, including those younger than five, to "show" their stuffed/toy dogs. Learn More>>>

Dog Sports & Youth: Compete in three different AKC events.   Junior Showmanship, Agility, Obedience, Rally, Tracking, Herding, EarthDog, Hunt Tests, Field Trials, Lure Coursing, CAT, FastCat, Scentwork.

  • Additional points may be earned for applied for titles, i.e. AKC Temperament Test (ATT), Barn Hunt, CGC, CGCA, CGCU, Disc Dog, Dock Diving, Farm Dog, Fetch, Fit Dog, Flyball, Parent Club and Working Dog, Search and Rescue, Trick Dog, Therapy Dog , Virtual Home Manner and Virtual Scentwork  titles, however they do not meet event requirements.
  •  The annual qualifying period is July 1st – June 30th

Benifits of engaging youth with dogs

  • Develops Responsibility - care for their dogs, ensuring they are well-groomed, healthy, and well-behaved. This daily care instills a sense of duty and accountability in young handlers, teaching them the importance of commitment and consistency.
  • Builds Confidence - Exhibiting dogs in front of a judge and others in showmanship, rally, obedience and other competitive dog events can be a significant confidence booster. This newfound confidence often extends beyond the show ring, positively impacting other areas of their lives.
  • Enhancing Communication Skills - Effective communication between the handler and the dog is crucial in Junior Dog Sports. Handlers learn to read their dog's body language and respond appropriately, strengthening their ability to communicate non-verbally. Additionally, the handlers' communication skills with judges and fellow competitors are also enhanced through regular interactions and feedback.
  • Fostering Sportsmanship - Dog Sports places a strong emphasis on sportsmanship. Handlers learn how to gracefully accept both victories and losses, understanding that each experience is an opportunity for growth and learning. This attitude of sportsmanship, respect for fellow competitors, and appreciation for the judges' decisions are values that young handlers carry with them throughout their lives.
  • Creats Bonding Opportunities - The bond between the handler and their dog is a central aspect of Junior's and dogs. Training, grooming, and competing together strengthen this bond, creating a partnership built on trust and mutual respect. This relationship not only enhances the performance in the ring but also enriches the handler’s life outside of it.

Junior's envolved with dogs is a rewarding and enriching activity that offers numerous benefits to young dog enthusiasts. From developing responsibility and confidence to fostering communication and sportsmanship, the skills and values learned through Junior programs and extend far beyond the show ring. By participating in this exciting sport, children can cultivate a lifelong passion for dogs, build meaningful relationships, and even lay the groundwork for a future career. Encourage your child to explore the world of Junior Dog SPorts and watch them grow into responsible, confident, and skilled individuals.