Dallas-Ft. Worth Labrador Retriever Club...

DFWLRC -AKC Events With Your Labrador



The official term for dog shows is conformation — as in, the act of conforming or producing conformity. While a dog show may look like a beauty pageant, it’s not. Dogs are not being compared to each other; they’re being measured by how closely they conform to the standard of their particular breed. Why? Because the closer a dog’s appearance is to the breed’s standard, the better that dog’s ability will be to produce puppies that meet the standard. It’s also the reason why mixed breeds and spayed or neutered purebreds are ineligible to compete in conformation. Search For AKC Events>>>

Companion Events...

Obedience • Rally • Tracking • Agility - These events were developed so ANY dog and anyone of any age could show off their athletic abilities and demonstrate the bond that can develop between a well trained dog and its owner. Companion Events consists of four different events: obedience, rally, tracking, and agility. Obedience trials are one of the AKC’s oldest traditions; it is truly a sport of finesse that demonstrates well-behaved dogs performing specified routines. Tracking evolved originally from obedience, but it has grown and developed into its own event that demonstrates the dog’s natural ability to recognize and follow a scent. Agility is a fast-paced obstacle course that relies on nearly flawless communication between handler and dog. AKC Rally® joined the Companion Event family in 2005 and was developed after rally-style auto racing. The dog/handler team must navigate a course made up of directional signs and each require a specific skill to be performed. Each course is unique and different; it is great for first-time competitors or anyone new to Companion Events.

A Beginner's Guide to Companion Events>>>

Performance Dog Sports...

Labradors are purpose-bred dogs have innate skills as hunting companions; When you and your dog participate in a performance sport, you show off your dog’s superior skills for performing practical functions that come naturally to him. Labradors excel in many performance dog sports. Here are a few that your Labrador may enjoy!

  • Retriever Field trial: In a Retriever Field trial, marks are shot through the air and land randomly in a large open area. Your dog runs, finds them, and retrieves them as quickly as he can while responding to hand signals or whistles from you or your handler. Contestants are judged on various traits they are born with including a strong memory for marks, intelligence, perseverance, and more.

  • Scent Work: This sport mimics the task of working detection dogs to locate a scent and communicate that the scent has been found. It’s a positive, challenging activity that gives your dog the opportunity to use his strongest natural sense. Scent Work is open to all dogs.

  • FAST-CAT: If you've ever wondered how fast your dog is, these tests are for you. They’re timed runs where your dog chases a mechanized lure around a course that simulates the unpredictability of chasing live prey. Training for these tests helps improve your dog’s focus, agility and sportsmanship. CAT and Fast CAT are open to all dogs.

All About AKC Performance Dog Sports>>>