Dallas-Ft. Worth Labrador Retriever Club...

DFWLRC -Required Genetic Tesiting For All Breeding Labrador Retrievers


Recommended Health Clearances for the Labrador Retriever

The minimum necessary health clearances we expect from reputable breeders of Labrador Retrievers are those required to get a “CHI

C” number from the Canine Health Information Center. CHIC website.

Hip Dysplasia

  • OFA Evaluation
  • And/Or PennHip

Elbow Dysplasia

  • OFA Evaluation

Eye Examination by a boarded ACVO Ophthalmologist

  • Results registered with OFA

EIC (Exercise Induced Collapse)

  • EXERCISE INDUCED COLLAPSE – DNA based test from an approved lab (This has been added as a CHIC requirement per the LRC as of 6/15/13)

D Locus (Dilute) DNA Test

  • DNA based D LOCUS results from an approved lab – *NOTE – This has been added as a CHIC requirement per the LRC as of 11/1/16)

Centronuclear Myopathy (Optional)

  • DNA Based CNM Test – results registered with the OFA

Cardiac Evaluation (Optional)

  • Advanced Cardiac Exam
  • Cardiac exams are not required, but are recommended as follows: Females – congenital or advanced cardiac database exam. Males – for males being used at stud, recommend advanced cardiac including an echo.

Prcd-PRA DNA Test (Optional)

  • DNA based prcd-PRA test from a licensed lab (currently PawPrints) – results registered with the OFA